Thursday, January 20, 2011

Homework #31: Comments

Me to Elizabeth

I really liked the research you did. It was very different from a lot of the things people did. My favorite line was "But the etymology of "die" shows that over time, humans have tried to make the idea of dying happier by "euphemistically" changing words.” Because it showed how humans in general try to soften the blow of harsh terms or events.

Me to Amanda:

Amanda, I really enjoyed reading your blog. The whole topic was really interesting and I think your take on it was fascinating. My favorite line was "hospitals won’t make money unless 'death is kept alive.'" Your grandmother's POV is really interesting and I completely agree.

Arden to me:

I enjoyed your elevator speech. I thought your choice of topic was interesting and unlike most other projects. I’m exploring your blog for those reasons. The reasons I found this most interesting was the personal experience you chose to incorporate. It was capturing how you compared the doctors’ relationships to patients with the midwives relationship. From your post it seems the mid wife was significantly closer with the patient, but I’m curious to know what their relationship is like after the fact of giving birth.
My favorite line was the last one when you wrote, "By using both allopathic/conventional care and homeopathic care, one is able to get the maximum treatment needed to make their illness least painful and/or time consuming." Most people's initial choices are treatments that entail pain killer medication. The methods of homeopathic care are often over looked and can be more beneficial in some cases.
Well done.

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